
7 Things to Remember When Planning a Website Redesign

Have you decided to redesign your website? If yes, then you’ll probably be eager to get things started. A shiny new website with all the bells and whistles is exciting to think about. But we advise you to never rush into a website redesign.

Before you get started with the website redesign, you have to get your essentials and pain points straight. This is important in getting the desired results you are looking for.

If you pay close attention to the list given below, your website redesign project will be a tremendous success. So let’s get into it and talk about things to remember when planning a website redesign?

What is Website Redesign?

Website Redesign is a process of renovating your existing website and upgrading it’s visuals, aesthetic, user experience, or functionality. This may differ based on your needs. Some websites may require an aesthetic update because they look outdated. Other websites may need a complete do-over from content & design to SEO & functionality. 

What are the things to remember when planning a website redesign?

1. Choose between Website Redesign and Website Revamp

Website redesign and website revamp differ from each other. Revamp is a complete overhaul whereas redesign doesn’t impact the functionality as much.

Revamp essentially restructures, redesigns, and recreates the website. After a revamp, you won’t be able to recognize it.

A redesign is good for you if your website was already high functioning but needed changes in the look and feel. 

2. Know your Audience

Irrespective of what you go for, redesign, or revamp, it is important that you know and remember who you are targeting. What works for the 21st-century generation will not work for those who are over 50. They’ll probably need more guidance and they’ll read what you write.

You also need to know how they will find you. The optimization strategies of your website should be in coherence with those requirements.

3. Decide the Functionalities you need

Once they can find you, people want information. People look to buy products and services online because they want to save time. Your website needs to give them information fast. 

You should think about whether it is easy to navigate your site to get the needed information. The easier it is, the faster it will generate leads, the more business you can get. Functionality and design must go together.

4. Observe Data from Analytics Tools

An analytics tool like Google Analytics will show you what content on your website works and what doesn’t. This will assist you in planning your content strategy. You can look at the number of site visits, bounce rate, and time spent on site. This can be a great ice-breaker to start discussing the website redesign or revamp requirement with your agency. 

5. SEO 

Your redesigned website should not negatively impact the search engine optimization done on the existing content. The redesigned website should add to the optimization already done. It should not set you back with respect to search rankings. And, it must help you keep up with the latest SEO trends

You must ensure that your transition from the old site to the new website will have a positive impact on search rankings. Without that, you must ask yourself, is the website redesign even worth it? 

Redesigning a website takes a lot of work. We hope we have given you things to take into consideration when planning a website redesign. Go through this list whenever you are thinking over a website redesign plan. 

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